3 months - 5th grade

Each week our kids experience a fun, high-energy worship and Bible teaching that is relevant and engaging. Our goal at lpKids is to have fun while learning about God, so come have fun with us!


Our lpKiDS team wants to ensure you are comfortable! Upon arrival, let our team know you are visiting- we are happy to give you a tour and answer any questions you have.


Nursery: 3 months – 17 months
Toddler: 18 months – 2 years
PreSchool: 3 years – 5 years
K-5: Kindergarten – 5th Grade


Your child is important to us. On your first visit, we will need some personal information such as: parent/legal guardian names, children's names and birthdate, address, phone number and any special instructions (allergies, special needs) for each child. This information is entered into our lpKids database to help maintain our secure check-in system.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For the saftey and securty of your children, check in does close down 10 minutes after each service begins. If you are running late, no problem! Your child is able to enjoy the service in the main sancuary with you.


Your child's safety is our first priority. All lpKids team members pass a background check, and we have our own security team to ensure your child's safety. We use an electronic system for check-in and pick-up. If a parent/guardian needs to be reached during the worship experience, a team member will give your child's ticket number to the Media team and it will be displayed on the big screen for the parent/guardian to come get your child. As mentioned above, the check in stations are unavailable 10 minutes after each service begins. We have a very robust accountability system in place to keep all children safe. Check ins after that time period could disrupt that and potentially prevent a child from being properly accounted for.

January Early Childhood Focus

Let it Shine, Let it Shine, Let it Shine

A dark room can seem scary and make us feel alone. But you know what makes it better? A nightlight! Jesus tells us that he is the light of the world. When we become a friend of Jesus, he gives us his light. That not only makes our lives better, but we can then share how good Jesus is with our friends so he can make their lives better too! We can shine that light to all the world.

Objective: Kids will learn, “I can shine with the light of Jesus.”

Memory Verse: “Let your light shine so others can see it.” Matthew 5:16b (NIrV)

January Elementary Focus

Following Jesus Without Turning Red

Sometimes, we hold back for fear of embarrassing ourselves. But Jesus calls us to be bold and brave, never ashamed to tell others about Him.

Memory Verse: "I want to preach it because I’m not ashamed of the good news. It is God’s power to save everyone who believes.” Romans 1:16a (NIRV)


We would love to get to know you.
Contact us below and someone from our team will be in contact with you.

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