Our Mission
To build one life at a time by equipping people for their God given purpose.
There’s no dress code or special formula to figure out – we’re just people, like you, imperfect and seeking God together.
You don’t have to dress up or look a certain way. You don’t have to be any particular age. It doesn’t matter about your political affiliation WHO or where you’re at with God. You don’t have to pretend; You can just, be.
This is a place where God meets seeking people who are far from perfect, and no matter where you are on your spiritual journey,you are welcome here.
Hopefully you’ll find us genuinely authentic. We’re a church that exists for our community and for people; We’re a church with a simple purpose, to build ONE LIFE AT A TIME, by leading people into relationship with God and others as we fulfill our purpose in Him.
What’s important to us is that you experience authentic Christian community and come to know God’s perfect, inspiring and unconditional love. We want you to feel comfortable to learn at your own pace. Ask questions. Seek. And we promise you this — if you’re serious, you WILL find what you’re looking for!

Its not about the church as a building, its about the entire body of the church- what's outside of the four walls. God has planted gifts and talents in each of us. But what do we do with it? Like a seed that is buried and not cultivated, these gifts will never manifest.

Why the talk about gifts and talents? Its not for fame or fortune. Our job as the body of Christ is to REACH the world. Reach those in need, reach those who need to hear and experience the love of Jesus, reach those who are trapped by addiction/loneliness/shame, reach those who simply; need to be saved. These gifts and talents are what make that happen. We have an amazing Dream Team who work diligently, using their God given gifts to make that connection a reality. Together, as the body, we can change lives all while growing the Kingdom.
Ever feel like you have something, deep inside, trying to bloom? Have you experienced the full love of Jesus for yourself? Do you feel isolated and want to #GetConnected?
Join us in-person, Sundays at 8:30am, 10:00am & 11:30am. Our 10:00am service is live streamed as well. We would love to meet you, pray with you and welcome you into a loving family!
We were not created to roam this world alone.
We would love to get to know you.
Contact us below and someone from our team will be in contact with you.